Statement from Jamie Brown, RN, a critical care nurse who is president of the Michigan Nurses Association
Racism is an urgent, pervasive public health crisis in our country. It is a longstanding illness that comes from a deep-rooted hate exhibited by our country’s failing systems. As nurses, we especially see the results of racism in our country’s unequal health care system – often to the point of people of color suffering preventable illness and even early death. Nurses support the outpouring of peaceful activism currently shining a light on systemic racism, which is the path toward healing. We are committed to helping create a country in which all of us – not just some of us – can live safe, healthy lives.
The Black Medical Association (BMA) held a peaceful virtual protest on June 5th, 2020. UMPNC-MNA RNs joined to advocate for change and answer the call to commemorate the lives lost due to systemic racism: George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, Tony McDade and so many more.